SocialExtender Privacy Policy
Social Extender is owned by JustBit s.r.l., via Aurelia 353, Rome (Italy). Justbit may collect certain information from you on or through this website (the "Site"). JustBit Srl uses this information to deliver the services offered on the Site, to inform you of changes to the Site or your account, to enhance the Site, to prevent illegal or potentially prohibited conduct, and to enforce our Terms of Use (the "Terms"), which incorporate this Privacy Policy by reference.
This Privacy Policy governs JustBit's information management policies including, without limitation, how JustBit gathers, stores or shares your information, if at all. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information that is gathered or collected offline.
By using the Site and by submitting information to JustBit, you agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy and to any other applicable terms, including the Terms. The information collected from this Site may be retained indefinitely, and may be stored, accessed, and used in jurisdictions whose privacy laws may be different or less protective than those of your home jurisdiction.
We take your privacy very seriously and we work hard to earn and keep your trust. As such, we adhere to the following basic principles to protect your privacy:
We do not rent or sell your personally identifiable information to third parties for marketing purposes.
We do not share your contact information without your consent.
Any personally identifiable information that you provide will be secured with industry standard protocols and technology.
1. Information about Cookies
Some features and advertisements on the Site may contain "cookies" or similar preference-tracking technologies. A cookie is a small data file stored by your Internet browser, provided that your computer is set to accept cookies. Cookies help improve the user experience by identifying and gathering information about a user, their browser and preferences for websites they have already visited. The use of cookies allows us to better understand how our users interact with the Site so we can work to improve your user experience.
Most modern Internet browsers allow you to change your settings to prevent the storage of new cookies, receive warnings prior to their storage, or to delete cookies from your computer altogether. Please review your browser's instructions for more information, or visit Please be aware that if you choose to disable cookies, some portions of the Site may cease functioning properly.
2. Third-Party Providers
JustBit does not and cannot control cookies in advertisements placed by our authorized advertising partners. This Privacy Policy does not govern the privacy practices of third parties who gather information directly from you to provide advertisements on this Site and other websites. The Site may embed or contain links and advertisements for third-party websites. Similarly, third-party websites may embed or contain links and advertisements for the Site. JustBit cannot control and is not responsible for the privacy practices or content on any non-JustBit websites. JustBit is therefore not liable for your use of and exposure to such third-party websites and any content or advertisements they contain. You should familiarize yourself with the privacy policies and terms of use of these third parties to better understand their information management policies.
If you choose to opt in to receive communications from a third party, any information you provide to said third party, will be subject to the privacy policy of the third party. If you later decide to opt out, you should contact the third party directly.
3. No Spam, Spyware or Spoofing
We do not tolerate spam. You are not licensed or otherwise permitted to add other users on the Site to your mailing list (email or physical mail, or any other medium) without their explicit consent. To report spam or spoof emails to JustBit, please forward the email to You may not use our communication tools to send spam or otherwise send content that would violate the Terms.
4. Anonymous Information
Your use of the Site will be anonymous unless you provide us with personally identifiable information or have provided such information in the past. JustBit may, from time to time, collect certain anonymous information about your visits to the Site including, but not limited to, information regarding: (1) the date, time and length of your visit; (2) your Internet browser, operating system or Internet service provider; and (3) the referring site, advertisement or email linking to and from the Site. If you access the Site via a wireless device, we may collect information about your wireless device and your wireless communications carrier. JustBit may aggregate, use and share anonymous user information with third parties for marketing and advertising purposes.
5. Personally Identifiable Information
JustBit is committed to maintaining and protecting your privacy and is committed to protecting personally identifiable information that you provide in connection with your use of the Site.
In order to use certain features on the Site, including, without limitation, user comments, forums, instant messaging, e-mail, or social networking functions, you may need to register and create a user account ("User Account"). You will also be asked to provide certain personally identifiable information and other information about yourself, such as your full name, contact information and date of birth. You are required to maintain and update the information in your User Account with current, complete and accurate information.
Once you give us your personal information, you are no longer anonymous to us. By providing us with personal information, you consent to our collection and storage of your information.
Your name may be publicly available on the Internet when you use some features of the Site, such as user comments, forums, instant messaging, e-mail, or social networking functions. Use your discretion when using these services. This Privacy Policy does not govern or protect any information that you have publicly disclosed on the Site. It is your responsibility to review what information you wish to share with members and non-members of the Site. You are solely responsible for any public content in your user profile. You may review, amend or delete any and all information and content associated with your User Account by signing in to your account on the Site. You may also request the deactivation of your User Account by sending an e-mail to
Your use of the Site and your provision of any personally identifiable information constitutes your consent for JustBit to provide your information to third parties who provide certain support services, such as processing of credit card transactions, or customer service, as applicable. In all cases, these third parties are explicitly prohibited from using, sharing, selling or otherwise distributing your customer data for their own marketing purposes, unless you choose to opt in for such additional uses and/or disclosure by the third parties, under their respective privacy policies.
6. Children and Privacy
This Site is NOT directed towards children under the age of 13. JustBit recognizes the importance of maintaining the privacy of children, especially those under the age of 13. JustBit is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding children, including the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), 15 U.S.C. § 6501, et seq.
Except in limited circumstances allowed by COPPA, JustBit does not and will not knowingly request, collect, store, maintain, or share any personally identifiable information of children under the age of 13, without first obtaining the consent of a legal guardian. In those limited instances, JustBit will only collect reasonably necessary information, and JustBit will not share with third parties any personally identifiable information of a child under the age of 13 without the explicit consent of a legal guardian, or as permitted by COPPA or other applicable law.
You may revoke your consent and request the removal of your child's information at any time. If you are the legal guardian of a child under the age of 13 and discover that your child has submitted their personally identifiable information without securing your consent, JustBit will use commercially reasonable efforts to remove this information. If at any point you wish to review, amend, or request the removal of your child's information, please send an e-mail to, and provide the name and account information for your child's user account.
7. How We Use Your Information
JustBit may send you correspondence unless you opt out when you register your User Account. You may opt out from receiving further marketing messages by following the "unsubscribe" directions in each message. Notwithstanding the foregoing, JustBit reserves the right contact you about your account status, technical support, changes to account terms, and any other circumstances that might affect our service to you.
JustBit will not sell, license, rent, or otherwise disclose your personally identifiable information except as stated herein, or under the following circumstances: (1) you have given your consent; (2) we previously you of the disclosure in this Privacy Policy or when you provided your information on the Site; (3) we are compelled by law, legal process, or court order to disclose; (4) disclosure is required to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may cause harm to, or interference with, JustBit's rights or property, our users, or anyone else; or (5) to respond to an inquiry, request or complaint that you have made. JustBit may cooperate with Internet service providers to identify users whenever required to comply with law, to enforce compliance with this Privacy Policy or our Terms, or to protect the Site, our customers and others.
JustBit reserves the right to retain customer data for closed accounts, as necessary to: (1) comply with applicable laws; (2) prevent fraud; (3) resolve disputes; (4) troubleshoot problems; (5) assist law enforcement officials with any investigations; (6) enforce the Terms; and (6) take other actions otherwise permitted by law.
8. Data Security
JustBit uses industry standard technologies to safeguard your data from unauthorized use and disclosure and to prohibit possible security breaches of the Site. Unfortunately no website, computer system or online communication is completely secure. JustBit cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur. Your use of the Site is at your own risk.
JustBit will take commercially reasonable steps to use heightened security technologies to protect the transmission and storage of transactional information to the Site. Such heightened security measures may include the secure transmission and encryption of all supplied sensitive financial or other transaction-related information. Such information will only be accessible by authorized individuals with special access rights to our payment systems.
Unless otherwise specified, whenever you make a purchase, your financial and other transaction-related information will only be used to process your transaction and will not be stored on our servers or used for marketing purposes.
9. Notification of Changes
JustBit may at any time and in its sole discretion, add, modify, or remove any feature, function or portion of the Site, the Terms, and/or the Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, with or without notice to you, prior or otherwise. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be effective as of the posting date. JustBit will provide prominent notice on the Site of any major changes to the Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Site after JustBit posts any modifications to the Privacy Policy shall be deemed your explicit acceptance of those modifications and shall constitute your agreement to comply with the Privacy Policy, as modified.
10. Contacting Us
If there are any questions regarding this Privacy Policy you may contact us using the information below.
(Operational headquarters) JustBit Srl, Via di Grotte Portella 6/8 00044, Rome Italy
11. Last Modification
This Privacy Policy was last modified on January 1, 2014.
Social Extender - Informativa sul trattamento dei dati e sulla privacy
La piattaforma Social Extender è gestita e fornita da Justbit S.R.L. Via Aurelia 353, 00165 Roma. Justbit s.r.l. è il Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali.
Utilizzando questa piattaforma, l'utente acconsente alla raccolta e al trattamento dei dati personali. La presente Informativa sulla privacy spiega le modalità di trattamento dei dati personali raccolti tramite le nostre applicazioni e il nostro sito Web, e indica come contattarci in caso di domande o dubbi in materia.
Se l'utente accede all'applicazione o la utilizza tramite il sito Web gestito da un'altra società, potrebbe essere soggetto alla raccolta di dati anche da parte di quest'ultima. L'utente è tenuto a leggere i Termini di utilizzo e l'Informativa sulla privacy relative al software e ai siti Web per maggiori dettagli sul trattamento dei dati personali prima di installare e utilizzare questa applicazione.
1. Quali dati vengono raccolti?
Se l'utente decide di iscriversi, potrebbe essere tenuto a fornire una serie di informazioni personali, quali: nome e cognome*, nome utente*, indirizzo e-mail*, indirizzo postale, età, sesso, recapito telefonico. Il nostro sito Web e relative applicazioni potrebbero anche includere dei questionari facoltativi per ottenere l'opinione dei clienti su vari prodotti e servizi. Se l'utente scarica dei contenuti dal nostro sito Web o tramite le nostre applicazioni, la nostra società potrebbe verificare automaticamente i dettagli sui device utilizzati. È possibile anche rilevare l'attività e le preferenze personali dell'utente quando visita il nostro sito Web o utilizza le applicazioni (fare riferimento al paragrafo "Cookie" per maggiori dettagli).
In caso di richiesta di inserimento dei dati altrui, si consiglia di ottenere il consenso prima di condividere le informazioni personali di altri individui. L'utente è tenuto a fornire dati personali validi e precisi, informandoci di eventuali cambiamenti.
* dati obbligatori ai fini dell’iscrizione. La mancata comunicazione di tali dati impedisce l'accesso ai servizi base offerti dalla piattaforma.
2. Come vengono utilizzati i dati personali raccolti? (finalità della raccolta e del trattamento dati)
I dati personali raccolti vengono utilizzati per:
adattare i nostri siti Web e le applicazioni affinché offrano informazioni e servizi desiderati dagli utenti;
rispondere alle richieste di assistenza;
effettuare un'analisi interna mirata al miglioramento del nostro sito Web e di altri prodotti e servizi;
effettuare studi statistici e report sull’utilizzo della piattaforma e applicazioni durante uno specifico evento;
inviare e-mail di tipo amministrativo (ad esempio, qualora l'utente dimenticasse la propria password);
individuare e impedire eventuali atti fraudolenti o abusivi rispetto al nostro sito Web, applicazioni o servizi.
3. Chi ha accesso ai dati personali?
Lavoriamo inoltre con terze parti che ci aiutano a migliorare e comprendere l'uso dei nostri siti e applicazioni per offrire la miglior esperienza possibile. Queste società generano informazioni statistiche di utilizzo e sono autorizzate a usare i dati personali degli utenti solo nel caso in cui sia necessario per fornirci i loro servizi.
In circostanze eccezionali potremmo rilasciare i dati personali dell'utente se richiesto dalla legge o al fine di proteggere o difendere la nostra società, o altri individui, da attività illegali o nocive. Qualora la nostra società fosse venduta o soggetta a riorganizzazione aziendale, i dati personali degli utenti, facendo parte dell'attività aziendale, potrebbero essere trasferiti.
4. Cookie
Alcuni dei nostri siti Web e applicazioni potrebbero contenere dei cookie. I cookie sono piccoli file di testo inviati da un sito Web al computer dell'utente per registrare l'attività online. I nostri siti Web e applicazioni potrebbero fare uso di cookie per personalizzare il modo in cui l'utente li utilizza, migliorare certe funzioni, registrare l'attività online e offrirti contenuti e avvisi pubblicitari personalizzati. L'utente può disattivare i cookie regolando le impostazioni del proprio browser, ma così facendo alcune funzioni dei nostri siti Web o applicazioni potrebbero non operare correttamente.
5. Sicurezza
Per proteggere i dati personali prenderemo tutte le misure commercialmente ammissibili. Ciò include l'impostazione di processi e procedure per minimizzare l'accesso non autorizzato ai dati personali o la divulgazione degli stessi. Tuttavia, non possiamo eliminare interamente il rischio di uso improprio dei dati personali da parte di eventuali intrusi. L'utente è tenuto a mettere al sicuro le password dei propri account e non rivelarle a nessuno. Inoltre è tenuto a contattarci immediatamente qualora sospetti l'uso non autorizzato della propria password o altre violazioni della sicurezza.
Le informazioni sull’evento, l’esperienza degli utenti e i contenuti multimediali sono aperti al pubblico. Si consiglia pertanto di non rivelare su questi spazi informazioni personali che permetterebbero ad altri individui di scoprire l'identità dell'utente o altrui. Non ci assumiamo alcuna responsabilità relativamente alla protezione o sicurezza delle informazioni divulgate dall’utente su questi spazi.
6. Disdetta del servizio
Qualora l'utente non desiderasse più ricevere informazioni da parte della nostra società, si consiglia di usare il collegamento presente nelle nostre email ricevute. Alternativamente, se l'utente non si è iscritto su alcun sito Web, potrà inviare un messaggio di posta elettronica a inserendo come oggetto "Unsubscribe".
7. Contatti
Per qualsiasi domanda, vi invitiamo a contattare il servizio di assistenza clienti, i cui dettagli sono pubblicati sul sito di proprietà di Justbit s.r.l.
L'utente ha il diritto di sapere quali sono i suoi dati personali in nostro possesso e come vengono utilizzati. Vi preghiamo di ricordare che il nostro personale potrebbe essere tenuto a verificare l'identità del richiedente e imporre un costo di amministrazione per il rilascio dei dati.